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What they can teach us...

A digital collection of edited interview transcripts and full unedited audio recordings from interviews conducted in 1993 by Dr. Alexander Freund (University of Winnipeg) with four German women who immigrated to Canada in the early 1950s. 

Including an introduction to the project and interviews, short biographies of the women, three lesson plans,  and a list of  resources.

Lisa S. working as a technologist in British Columbia

PA-173822 German Immigrants: Classes, Kitchener, Ont. (vicinity), 1952 (L. Jaques/LAC)

The project:

The interviews were sourced from the collections of 14 oral history interviews conducted by Alexander Freund in 1993 in the context of his Master's Thesis

The four women

Alma, Anneliese, Barbara and Lisa are the four women whose interviews we selected for this projects. They share the memories of their lives as German women migrants in Canada

PA-173826 German Immigrants: Mrs. E. Wolf, Kitchener, Ont. (vicinity), 1952 (L. Jaques/LAC)


Read & listen:

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Project created by Sofia Bach and Claudia Dueck

Web Design by Sofia Bach

Interviews transcribed by Claudia Dueck

Interviews conducted by Dr. Alexander Freund

Class activities created by Sofia Bach and Claudia Dueck

Transcripts and audio recordings provided by the Oral History Centre and Dr. Freund 

English to German translation by Amine Gundogdu

English to French translation of transcripts by Caroline Best and of the remaining material by Sofia Bach

GIF Portraits and boat illustration by Alexe Normandin

Pictures provided by German-Canadian Studies at UWinnipeg

Generously funded by the Waterloo Centre for German Studies (UWaterloo) and German-Canadian Studies (UWinnipeg)

©2023 by German-Canadian Studies, University of Winnipeg

Created by Sofia Bach and Claudia Dueck, German-Canadian Studies, University of Winnipeg

Interviews conducted by Dr. Alexander Freund in 1993 and archived at the Oral History Centre 

Generously funded by the Waterloo Centre of German Studies and German-Canadian Studies (UWinnipeg)

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